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I Have Helped To Change Their Life
“Deciding to consult with Sadhguru Shri Param Eswaran has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Sadhguru made me take a really good look at the issues by confronting them, and together we created a strategic plan to change my life for the better. He helped me train my voice to produce the correct frequency to clear my emotional blocks, using the frequency of Bija Mantras Never has any one shared with me such a simple self-healing secret”
Anna Molloy
Sadhguru Shri Param for me is a Master who knows the way out of the human suffering. He taught me how to DISCOVER MY OWN INNER GURU, thus learning how to manage my mental and emotional problems. The way he helped me to heal myself is amazing. I have never experienced anything like this before. 2003 I decided to join the teacher’s training and I was in India for three months. My perspective of my whole life changed over there. Because of the ParaTan sound healing a lot of my old patterns (blocking myself all the time) became visible and at the same time healing took place. A lot of emotional and mental pains are gone now and I feel very grateful for this. I feel alive again. These three months were very, very healing, loving, caring and safe and I can recommend this to everybody !, for his teachings are effective and very precise, taking him to any area of my life experiences, and he always spontaneously has the right answer for me.
Sadhguru Shri Param Eswaran , everytime meeting you in our session & receive the mantra brings a different new flavour of energy within my being….. In the beginning …..It takes a little while, as the energy start to moves higher…. Then, the chanting becomes more, juicy & powerful & full of passion….. Sometimes more, slower I chant the mantra , more deeper I feel the energy .. penetrates my being….. & every chanting of mantra makes me feel orgasmic…& it is beautiful state….of silence & which remains with me during the day…. I really do not know from where & how everyday… I feel a new energy arises & which keeps inspiring my being … & there is longing in my heart….to desire & invoke HER more & more with in my heart…. So, SHE can always reside within my heart ….overwhelm my whole being….. Param Pujiya Swamiji…. There is a feeling of immense gratitude arising… within my being…. For all the sacred gifts…& love & blessings , which I have received from you….for last 2 years…. & There is nothing I can offer you at your sacred feet….except just my love & devotion
Dev Premanand
Sadhguru Shri Param Eswaran , everytime meeting you in our session & receive the mantra brings a different new flavour of energy within my being….. In the beginning …..It takes a little while, as the energy start to moves higher…. Then, the chanting becomes more, juicy & powerful & full of passion….. Sometimes more, slower I chant the mantra , more deeper I feel the energy .. penetrates my being….. & every chanting of mantra makes me feel orgasmic…& it is beautiful state….of silence & which remains with me during the day…. I really do not know from where & how everyday… I feel a new energy arises & which keeps inspiring my being … & there is longing in my heart….to desire & invoke HER more & more with in my heart…. So, SHE can always reside within my heart ….overwhelm my whole being….. Param Pujiya Swamiji…. There is a feeling of immense gratitude arising… within my being…. For all the sacred gifts…& love & blessings , which I have received from you….for last 2 years…. & There is nothing I can offer you at your sacred feet….except just my love & devotion
Dev Premanand
Sadhguru Shri Param Eswaran , everytime meeting you in our session & receive the mantra brings a different new flavour of energy within my being….. In the beginning …..It takes a little while, as the energy start to moves higher…. Then, the chanting becomes more, juicy & powerful & full of passion….. Sometimes more, slower I chant the mantra , more deeper I feel the energy .. penetrates my being….. & every chanting of mantra makes me feel orgasmic…& it is beautiful state….of silence & which remains with me during the day…. I really do not know from where & how everyday… I feel a new energy arises & which keeps inspiring my being … & there is longing in my heart….to desire & invoke HER more & more with in my heart…. So, SHE can always reside within my heart ….overwhelm my whole being….. Param Pujiya Swamiji…. There is a feeling of immense gratitude arising… within my being…. For all the sacred gifts…& love & blessings , which I have received from you….for last 2 years…. & There is nothing I can offer you at your sacred feet….except just my love & devotion
Dev Premanand
“Should you really want to learn about live and love and being a Goddess, I highly recommend this lovely enlighten soul. Sadhguru is the best Mother Devotee I have met. I have traveled most, Europe, the States and India learning Tantra, never have a met someone who is both traditional and modern at the same time, for in the past 45 years Sadhguru Shri Param Eswaran has been teaching us westerners, and married to one,
Georgie Cox Teacher and Artist
I went to Sadhguru Shri Param’s introductory workshop not really knowing what to expect, but was prepared to remain open to what I perceived might be an unusual but beneficial experience. It turned out to be one of the most powerful synergistic healing I have ever participated in, both for me as an individual and for the group as a collective. After leading us in an honoring of the Goddess/God in over selves and each other, Sadhguru’s caring and calm voice led us through a series of mantras designed to cleanse the chakras and allow us to release our negativity: emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. I was amazingly centered, aware and self-accepting at the conclusion of the evening. I am eagerly looking forward to participating in future workshops with Sadhguru”
Richard Wallace
Unlike most channelling, our Master receives his gift naturally from a very young age, higher consciousness, which leads to his continuous communication with Divine Mother, most of the times as he works. Those who are attentive to him will know when he is speaking, and when Mother is speaking, this is only noticed in a very subtle way.
Sadhguru Shri Param has gained admittance to the Universal mind for receiving information on most any subject. He receives information with complete detail about energy and its applications, alchemy, sacred geometry, healing sound, healing processes to the physical, spiritual, mental, ethereal and emotional aspects of human
Sri Ananda Shivam Spiritual Seeker